Calling all Catholic student leaders!

Are you on committee for your university CathSoc?
Are you wondering how to run it? Good news - CSN’s Catholic Students Leadership Summit is back and the place to be!

Secure yourself a place on our Catholic Student Leadership Summit, which will deliver bespoke training for Catholic student leaders in order to equip you to build flourishing Catholic communities at university. This weekend is open to all Catholic student leaders, whatever your role. Make sure your university is represented at the conference!

If you are interested in growing your skillset, shaping Catholic university life, and connecting with Catholic student leaders across the country then hit the sign-up button below!

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About this event

The Catholic Students Leadership Summit is a national event for Catholic students who have taken on places of leadership in their university CathSoc to come together for a weekend of training, formation, community and prayer. There will be experienced speakers providing teaching on various leadership principles, time for networking and socialising with other universities, and space to enter into the depths of the Sacraments.

It is a great opportunity to come together with other students across the country who are likeminded, on a similar leadership journey, and who want to build authentic Catholic community at uni.

You can find out more by emailing our Mission Coordinator.

Ticket Info

Check out our different ticket types below -

SUPER Early Bird --> Save yourself £30 and buy this Super Early Bird ticket, only £60 for a full weekend ticket, accommodation, and meals. Available until Friday 25th April at 23:59.

Group of 4 or More --> Bring a minimum of 4 members of your committee for a fixed price of £300 for a full weekend ticket, accommodation, and meals. Whether your bring 4 committee members or 10, the price doesn't change! Available until Friday 29th august at 23:59.

Chaplain Ticket
--> Come along and join in the fun for only £75 for a full weekend ticket, accommodation, and meals. Available until Friday 29th august at 23:59.

We have subsidised ticket price and we encourage students to seek funding from their Chaplaincies to come to our event. If cost is a problem and you would like to apply for a bursary, please email our Mission Coordinator.

Book your place!

To book yourself a place,simply follow the link below: